Black Girl VC

I'm Megan: an energetic, warm-hearted Alabama belle laser-focused on widening the intersection of venture capital, impactful entrepreneurship, and diversity.

Launch Day! Ahhhh! What a labor of love...let's get right into it!

I really love seeing great organizations grow. For me, helping mission-driven people, groups and companies scale in both size and impact to make the world a better place is my personal goal every morning. I've had the amazing opportunity to support incredibly innovative, nonprofit start-ups in building from the ground up and understanding how their impact can change the world we live in. The hard part, though, was that the localization of nonprofits makes it really tough to see BIG change in the way people live, the way we interact with each other, the things we buy, the way we learn...sustainable change. So I've set on a journey to do just that. 

I applied to Stanford Graduate School of Business with a rambling, labyrinth version of my ultimate goal of seeing good built into the business models of for-profit companies.  I didn't know exactly what all of the ideas I was thinking of meant at the time or how those would present themselves in a business context, I showed up to Stanford and BAM--Venture Capital. While we know in Silicon Valley that "good" can mean any number of things, I'd argue that "companies doing good" are those that are creating their core products while having an impact positive or impact neutral effect on our society. I began to go to VC brown bag lunches on campus, I listened to podcasts, I requested coffees with LPs/GPs/associates/analysts, I read books...I wanted to learn EVERYTHING. 

This blog is a manifestation of that learning journey, and further, my journey to work on diversifying business and investing. A Black Girl in Venture is where my growth happening, its where you will see who I'm talking to, what I'm reading, which events I'm attending, how many podcasts I'm listening to over this next year. My intention is not a be a pundit, I'm no expert here. So don't drop by for VC advice from me (ha!). But by the end, my hope is that my vision will be clear, my investment thesis will be robust and I can spur VC's to think about why investing in diversity is investing in success and where where I fit into it all...

Cheers to progress!
